What is the Creek Boutique?
A clothes closet ministry of Pole Creek Baptist Church! The Creek Boutique provides new or gently used clothing as well as footwear, layette, and infant care items. Whether it be emergency foster needs, an unplanned pregnancy, unexpected job loss, or a difficult financial month, the Creek Boutique seeks to be a place where every member of a family may acquire clothing. Our goal is to provide a loving environment as we put the Gospel message into action to Impact Candler for those in need within our community.
Who is this for?
The Creek Boutique is for anyone! We are open to the public.
When is the Creek Boutique Available?
If you or anyone you need would like to shop within the Creek Boutique, please call the Church Office and we will schedule an appointment. Our phone number is (828) 667 - 4053. Church Office hours are Monday - Thursday, from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Please contact us with any additional questions.
How can I as a Church Member help?
For those in our church family who may wish to help, there is a donation registry with specific needs listed to best be the hands and feet of Jesus to our Candler community at large.