Upcoming Events

Information about featured events

If you have any issues registering for an event, please call the church office at (828) 667-4053. Thank you!


Pole Creek Prayer Gathering

When: Various Thursdays throughout the year

Where: Pole Creek Auditorium 

We invite you to join us for a time of prayer. We hope to fill this time praying for unity, healing, and direction moving into the future as we serve Him. Our gatherings will take place on Thursdays throughout the summer. Please view the schedule above. 


Hearts On Fire - Student Event

When: Friday, November 22, 2024 (Students will only attend the Friday event)

Where: Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Students will meet at the church and ride together. 

All students are welcome to join us for this year's Youth Conference, Hearts on Fire. We will have a night of fun worshipping our Lord and Savior among teenagers from all around! Invite a friend and register today! Ticket prices are $60. We need all funds to be turned into Pastor Zack by October 1st. 

Registration deadline is October 1st. 

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to Pastor Zack. 


WV Mission Trip

When: Friday, December 13 - Sunday, December 15

We have a mission trip opportunity for you! Join us Friday, December 13 - Sunday, December 15! Pastor Steve is taking a group to Beckley, West Virginia. We are returning to Redemption Church to help handout the Appalachian Backpacks that Pole Creek helped supply!

If you have any questions or would like to know more information about lodging, please reach out to Pastor Steve.