Adult Small Groups

Check out our Adult Small Groups!


Adult- Sunday Morning Small Groups

Are you interested in joining an Adult Sunday Morning Small Group? Click below.


Coffee & Theology

When: Thursday mornings at 10:00 am. It is led by Pastor Ben Heise.

Where: Pole Creek Student Center. Jump in at any time!

What: Coffee and Theology will be an ongoing group that is open to anyone and everyone. The group is designed for fellowship and deep-diving into theology. We will spend time in the Word and will use different resources as we broaden our study. Yes, coffee will be provided. 

Coffee of Theology will not meet on: June 20th, June 27th, July 4th, July 11th, and Aug. 8th.


Young Adults Life Group

Young adults! A life group is open just for you! This group meets once a month and centers events around group activities. 

This group is open to all young adults from high school graduates all the way up to your early 30’s. 

If you're interested, please email Daniel Byers!


Men's Small Groups

Come get connected with other men as we explore, study and learn what the Bible and other reliable men's authors say about things men face in today's world. Don't worry; there will be a lot of fun fellowship as well!

You can join one or all three!

For more information contact our group leader:

Meets Weekly (see Sunday Morning Small Groups page): Romulus Meares 865-318-0590
